April 21, 2010

Storefront Bigscreen

While I was on holiday in Malaysia a few months ago, I noticed something unusual. Every evening, a crowd of twenty or so men would gather around the entrance of an electrical store near the hotel where I was staying and watch TV. There were at least ten TVs at the front of that store, all tuned to different channels. It took a few days of passing by these guys before I realized it was the TV showing American wrestling that they were staring at.

Of course, the TV set in question wasn't all that big, which gave me an idea.

Wouldn't it be great if, to cater to this group of idlers, the store owner wired up several TV sets in grid formation to make one large mega-screen? In case this might be hard to visualize, I took 13 seconds to do a quick Photoshop hashout:

As you can see, the TVs are in a 4x3 grid for a 4:3 ratio, but it could be anything you like. Except 1.33:1, obviously.

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