August 25, 2016

My Old House Is Gone

On this wintry August morning in Melbourne, I was returning from Ashburton when I suddenly decided to go see my old house on Moore Street in the nearby suburb of Ashwood...

...only to find, like lots of old houses in this area, that it had been demolished. And judging from the mud tracks seen here, only very recently. I must admit I was disappointed to see it gone, even though I only lived here for one year.

The view from the rear fence. Nothing left except the wheelie bins...

...except a couple of trees at the back, one of which had fruit. They looked like lemons, except they were smaller and orange. Whatever they were, I helped myself to six of them.

And just to show you what the house looked like, here's a photo of it as it was in April 2005, a couple of days after I moved in. It had an unusual layout; the front door was at the side, unlike all the other houses in that short street.

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