June 13, 2011
June 8, 2011
China 5 Blog Has Moved
I logged in to the China 5 Blog to make a test comment and couldn't work out how to do it, so I called up MC Lychee and asked him how. He said you can't leave comments on Tumblr blogs, unless you muck about with Javascript, or unless the person who wants to comment is also on Tumblr or something.

Doh! Now he tells me!
I don't really like the idea of us talking to ourselves (after all blogging is supposed to be an interactive thing), so I was forced to move the entire thing to Blogger and allow certain others to access my Gmail! We apologize to anyone who wanted to comment on the new blog but couldn't; Lychee has duly been kicked in the face. The new blog address is:

Note the hyphen in the URL...yes, 'china5' was taken. By someone who only ever did one post. In 2004. With no content whatsoever.
June 5, 2011
Geeks In Space #18
Before I post the weekly strip, I'd like to thank those who commented on the previous post. Ten comments, a blog record! Okay, so one of them is me, but the numbers don't lie, people. And because Nonesuch cares about your input, here are my responses to those comments...
Tom Ungoed: Don't think I don't know who you are – only one person I know spells 'sick' without a 'c', pal.
Jeffory: Yeah bruddah!
POPEIL: Best misspelling of 'awesome' ever.
Poncely Manilow: Interesting that I should get a Sonic the Hedgehog question in the same month Sonic turns 20! Well I always thought Sonic said "wop-wip" or something like that when he breathed in an air bubble. He's definitely not saying "water" though. As for the pink blob, it's a glitch in the program caused by hitting a monitor that is hidden behind a piece of scenery. It freaked me out when I first saw it too, so you're not alone.
Veni Vidi Vici/Buddy Savage: Nice Captain Blow reference. Good work my man.
Allan: Then let's give it to him. We'll never pull this off if he sobers up.
In The Navy: Good use of isocolon.
Now for the cartoon...

June 2, 2011
China 5 Official Blog
Who here likes bands that have blogs, so you can find out every single piddling thing they do? You? Good. Our friend MC Lychee from China 5 has started an official band blog (not that there was ever an unofficial one) – and it's a safe bet that I'll be writing a fair bit of the content too. So if you like such diverse musical genres as Classic Pop, Flat-Fusion, Dark Electric Melodies, Raining On Sunday, and Intrinsic Infrastructure – this will be sure to be one of your 90 favourite blogs.
But not only that! We have also set up a China 5 Soundcloud page. If you go there now, you will find the first three tracks uploaded. Which songs are they? Go there and see for yourself!
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