10. Deborah Harry – "I Want That Man"
For some reason Rage always used to put her name as 'Debbie' Harry in their titles. The sleeve art clearly says 'Deborah' though. When I first started watching Rage weekly this song was at number 2, so it had already had its shot at the big time and was on its way down. I don't think 'Debbie' Harry ever showed up in the Australian charts after this.

Check out that sadfish muzak maestro on the cover image. One of those cases where the look didn't fit the voice, so to speak, but watch the video and yes, that voice really is coming out of that face. This song didn't have much of an impact on me, but I can still remember the chorus. How strange.

8. Bad English – "When I See You Smile"
You know how I feel about power ballads, so let's move on. The only thing I really liked about this was the band's name.

Of course, the world was yet to learn of the lip-syncing scandal, so I thought these identical looking guys were actually the vocalists. My friend's kid sister had their album on cassette, and I could never find out why this song was listed on there with the word 'girl' missing from its title. Although, truth to tell, I didn't exactly break my neck trying to find out. It wasn't what you'd call a highly-sought nugget of information for me. Rob and Fab weren't actually singing, but the songs still deserve a listen now and then. Not necessarily this track for me though – I prefer "All Or Nothing". "Blame It On The Rain" is pretty good too.

Pretty snoozeworthy blues-stuff to my 11 year old ears. Not much excitement to be found here. Not surprising when the song cripples along at snail's pace and the lyrics are suitably banal. They can keep their 'slow Southern style', but I'll pass, thanks.

I liked this song 25 years ago and I probably like it even more now; this Italo-house classic, and rest assured I'm not throwing that term around lightly, still sounds great today. In fact I played it loud on my stereo only yesterday, so there. I thought this genre of house would last a lot longer than it did. Australian viewers of Rage got an el-cheapo locally produced music video for this song – there's even a brief shot of the colour-bar test screen in it – and for some reason I like it better than the 'official' video with Katrin Quinol lip-syncing.

This was my mate Jonathan's favourite song in 1990. He told me it got to number 1, but was fiddling slightly with the truth. It did, as you can see, peak at number 4. This song also sounds ace 25 years later, although I wish it had been mastered so that you didn't have to turn your speakers up full bore to get a decent degree of loudness. The icing on the cake, of course, is Ya Kid K's rap vocal. She was only 17 at the time!

Not a bad tune, but I can't say I've had the urge to go back and listen to it again over the last 25 years. He did a nice cover of "Heartbeat" later on.
2. The B-52s – "Love Shack"

Here it is! My fave song for the whole of 1990 (up until I heard "Epic", that is) having its one brief, shining week at number 1. Compelling lyrics and a dark and foreboding music video combined to make this one of the most exciting musical experiences of my childhood. Aerosmith's album Pump was the first album I got, on cassette as a 12th birthday present. (Jonathan got me Pump Up The Jam as well – two pump-related albums in one day.)

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