More stationery, as promised! This time: a bunch of brushes from my personal collection. I'm no painter by any means (although I have done a few canvases), but a good variety of brushes are must-haves. The two stubby ones at the bottom left in this photo are stencil brushes, which I used to paint on cloth using fabric paint. The others are (from top) a sable fine brush from India, a fat Pentel from Japan, and the next two down I bought in Japan to try and write Japanese characters with. Finally, there are three water brushes – the two Pentel ones are indispensable for sketching in public. Very robust. The one at the bottom is a Korean one with a syringe-like 'plunger' system that is a bit unwieldy, but not bad.
In this next photo are two paint sets I got in high school. These fairly battered yet robust tins are still my preferred way of carrying around a basic set of colours when needed.
And here is the interior of said tins, in case ya don't know what paints look like. The one at the bottom has been slightly modified over the years. And yes, 'THIS BITES' was written back in high school.
More stationery next time – rulers and stencils, to be precise.
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