June 7, 2010

Blur Logo Oddity

Anyone notice that the logotype for Blur, the Xbox 360/PS3 game (above) looks a lot like that used for the band Blur on most of their cover art (below)? Both using lower-case sans-serif similar-looking fonts?

So, what is this? Coincidence? Conspiracy? Blatant plagiarism? Will the truth ever be revealed? Will it? Huh? Huh??



  1. I wondered why they were so similar too! Maybe the word "blur" just looks good like that. Who knows

  2. Could be, Anonymous. I'm still scratching my head over this one!

  3. It aren't the same fonts. Blur made their self one but it looks like the 2 picture here. but there are some changes in blurs picture.

    Look at the b of blur and on picture 2.

  4. The 'b' is different for sure Delta, but the similarity can't be ignored! I'm also interested as to why the game makers chose a lower case b. I'm not accusing them of ripping the band Blur off or anything.

  5. omg. Same shit came into my mind when I got to see that I was like, WTF?. And I'm still that way, totally a copy, but not sure why. (Cos blur is one hell of a band lml might be(?))

  6. Glad I'm not the only one who thought so, Mirja. And if you want to emulate a band, you could do a lot worse than Blur!

  7. This is such an old topic, hah. But wanted to tell something funny that happened at 2015 when they were touring in my country. The hotel or something like that gave all memeber a package with lots of "mexican" things, the box had THAT GAME LOGO lmao, and Dave asked me and a friend where was the logo coming from, it was EPIC hah.

    1. p.s, it's Mirja hah forgot I changed the nickname on google+, hope you're doing great, Pete.

    2. Hi there, Mirja. Thanks for that story – you got to talk to Dave, that's cool! I saw Blur in 2015 too, awesome show. I'm sure you had a great time seeing them as I did. I'm well thanks, hope you are too.
