May 2, 2010

Nonesuch Archives: "Deep Night" (2001)

The above image is from my cancelled 2001 graphic novel project, Deep Night. It was originally intended to be a picture book with no words – no dialogue, no words in the illustrations, no title or author mentioned anywhere on it, nothing. I completed several pages of it and had plenty of grand ideas, such as themed visuals, but I never got round to finishing it and it was eventually discontinued.

Ah well. Maybe someone out there likes seemingly drug-induced drawings featuring heads on springs with arms coming out of them. And weird-looking clowns.


  1. hi pete, i think this wouldve been quite interesting!! it is very unique to me , and it can be like people looking at it with no words to read and using their imaginations of what they see going on. example : people would like to imagine what they want to be happening when they are viewing it, i know im a big imaginator about alot !!! :) so i would have love to see more of your ideas of this kind of picture book and im really sure others wouldve love it also.

  2. Thanks Amy, glad you like it! I would have liked to have finished this too, even though several people told me it would be worth a lot less as a story if there were no words. Leaving the words out would encourage people to use their imaginations more!
